Three ages? Try eight and a half.
First Age
Second Age
The Jek-her'a are created, develop advanced technology, and subsequently kill themselves off with it. Picture a long nuclear winter, entire continents exposed to deadly radioactive energy, and the final remnants of the Jek-her'a breathing their last breath to admit it might have been a mistake to start that war .
Third Age
Sentient life really fucked up Faewalk and the planet wanted some time to itself.
Fourth Age
The current races are born and develop shit. Oh yeah, and there's magic now.
Fifth Age
Things happened. Probably. Faewalk's sentient races opted so hard to never talk about the events of the Fifth Age that it has been lost from memory and the only reason they know it exists is because "five" comes in between "Four" and "Six."
Any artifacts from the Fifth Age are considered a lie and/or propaganda and immediately disposed of.
Sixth Age
Seventh Age
The Unfounded is discovered, marking the beginning of the seventh age.
Eighth Age
The Nest develops steam-powered technology. This revolution began the eighth age.
Eighth-and-a-Half Age
The current age. The world gets a horrible infestation of Dark Lords.