Smasil Empire

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The Smasil Empire is a imperialist desert society famed for their powerful and well trained navy, as well as their proclivity to mass farm herbs. Their ground soldiers are often seen wearing bright red coats and white velvet turbans, while their navy have dedicated white uniforms for ceremonial purposes, with only their signature hats being a requirement to wear at all times.

Seafood is a staple of Smasil cuisine, and often their presence indicates the best damn sushi, shellfish, or fried fillet dishes within miles.

Their architecture is divided between two groups: heartland and frontier. Heartland Smasil architecture has many rounded sides to reduce the chances of sand from the sandstorms accumulating. Frontier is more square, preferring terraces and balconies accessible from both inside and out, as well as walled-in courtyards if the location allows.

The Smasil places a deep, cultural importance on tea and the spice trade, both for separate reasons but equally as zealous none-the-less. Smasil navy is known for it's tough training - members may not be promoted to an officer rank until they survive at least three battles or serve for twenty years.

Though the Smasil is predominantly human, no law actually reduces the rights of non human races, but many human Smasil hold xenophobic beliefs and habit in spite of this. The humans within the Smasil are very ethnically diverse, though all will refer to themselves as their ethnic background before Smasil. The vast majority of Smasil speak Commontongue, with the next most common language being Elvish, followed by Orcish.

Demon worship is outlawed, however devil worship is not.

The Smasil is run by a constitutional monarchy in theory but an absolute monarchy in practice, the current ruling family just prefers to have their hands off the reigns unless necessary. The Zerich royal family has a tradition of abdicating the throne to their heir apparent in their later years to give experience before a complete transition is necessary.

There is a long-running animosity with the Eprax Empire, and no diplomatic ties currently exist between these two nations.


Faewalk Exploration